Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mystery HIstory

Mystery History Is the man on the left William "Bill" Sutton who also was one of the carpenters who helped build the original New Braunfels Smokehouse?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Edmundo Regalado "Powerful hitter/Matador"

Coach Lawrence Vetter's baseball nine resumed play after 10 years inactivity, in 1948, April. Among that group was Wayne Anderson, known as "#1 Pitcher," Edmundo Regalado, "Powerful hitter,"" Johnnie Blumberg, "fixture at first" and Bobby Traeger, "Matador Shortfielder." Pass this info along to anyone who might be related to them, to look at the "pardon the wrinkles" tearsheet from the Guadalupe Gazette Bulletin.

Garfield Kiel, Seguin and Guadalupe County Sports 1948

In 1948, it appears Garfield Kiel was the "go to " guy in Sports for readers of the Guadalupe Gazette-Bulletin. In the 4/9/1948 edition his column focused on the four teams, possibly five who would "step up to the plate" for baseball that summer. Any thoughts on which four teams he covered? Here's still currently takes the field, three don't. In the list of "newcomers" Kiel mentions TLC and the Seguin Negro League, as it was termed in those days. Said Kiel, "few towns in Texas the size of Seguin can boast of a similar record."

Garfield Kiel, Sports Columnist

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sports Column--the title was

"Shootin' the Line"................dated 1948.

Sports Columnist Mystery History

from the Museum Staff--Who wrote a sports column for the Seguin newspaper in 1948? Notable sports fan, local family, initials in another post, a hint. If you like the comix, you might already know his first name.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Some mighty talented singers

Some mighty fine singers looked to Bertha Ayers to keep them on the same page, Ms. Ayers was a local pianist, vocalist who taught many Seguin children the finer points of music .

How Much Did a Courthouse Cost in 1896?

According to the Seguin Business Directory of 1896, Guadalupe County Courthouse cost $54,000 and the jail cost $20,000.
For this and more trivia, come by the Seguin Heritage Museum , 114 N. River and purchase the pocket size reproduction of this informative and historic book.'s ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER COPY!

Seguin Heritage Museum October Events

Plan now to encounter the ancient past with the annual Seguin Heritage Museum Show and Tell. Set for Sat. Oct. 30, events will be focused around the Museum at 114 N. River and the McKee archaeological site 2015 Stockdale Hwy, Seguin. The site is a newly state registered "Ancient Paleo Indian Site" where artifacts have been unearthed as far back as 200 years ago.
Also to visit the McKee site, transportation will be available, directions may be obtained by calling the museum at 830.372.0965. Knappers will be demonstrating the ancient art of flintknapping and newly made flints and arrowheads will be available for purchase on site. Bring your Native American artifacts to SHOW and a professional archaeologist will TELL background on many of these items. (Donation fees apply)Kids' excavation site will be available for youngsters interested in digging up and discovering real artifacts. More details to come as they are developed. Mark your calendars!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Just In! New Note Cards in the "Strictly Seguin" Gift Shop

New display in the Seguin Heritage Museum, "Strictly Seguin" Gift Shop focuses on large format custom color prints on high quality paper. Pictures of beautiful locations throughout your hometown Seguin! Place your order now, early for the holidays,call Pat at 830.372.0965. Ask her about the talented photographer who captured these scenes!

Do you know this lady?