Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fall Events At Seguin Heritage Museum

Seguin Heritage Museum 114 N. River , continues to showcase Texas history and Texas artists in the upcoming calendar of events through Dec. 31.
October 16, one of two headliners to launch the fall museum season, a Seguin sculptress will bring her designs which are intricate one of a kind wood carvings. The opening of that collection is slated from 6-9 p.m. during that evening.
Marika Bordes’ work, along with her students' displays, will then be open to the public, daily at the museum from 11a.m.-4 p.m M-F, till the end of the year. The centerpiece of the display will be the 14' statue of "Gwaihir" carved and formed from a chinaberry tree, provided by John Schwartz of Seguin. The figure represents a character in "Lord of the Rings" and is the sculptress’ inspiration for the piece which will be available for viewing from two vantage points, the street floor, adjacent to the display windows facing east and a view from the second floor.

Archaeology “Show and Tell”

The second headliner for October will be an archaeological hands-on "Show and Tell ", Oct. 30 which will be highlighting finds by Texas archaeologists at the Hwy 123 McKee/STAA (Southern Texas Archaeological Association)dig, 2015 Stockdale Hwy, near Starcke Park Bridge.
The public is invited to this event and donations will be accepted at $2 adults, $1 children. Refreshments will be provided and donations will be welcomed to help cover expenses. All donations are tax deductible . The STAA will be on site excavating and giving demonstrations, knappers will be demonstrating the art of flintknapping and newly made points and arrowheads will be available for purchase on site. Archaeologists will also be present to identify visitors’ artifact (s) for a donation of 1-2 artifacts at $5 and 3-5 items for $10. Guests are urged to bring Native American artifacts to “SHOW” and a professional archaeologist will “TELL” background on many of these items.
There will also be a special “seeded” area for children and their parents to explore for artifacts. The museum will also be open from 11-4 that same day, for a special viewing of the artifacts recovered from this site. Admission is free to the museum.

The McKee site is a new state registered "Ancient Paleo Indian Site" where artifacts have been unearthed as far back as 200 years ago.
To visit the site, directions may be obtained by calling the museum at 830.372.0965 in advance, or email
(Donation fees apply).

Visit Seguin Heritage Museum on Facebook and the blog for Seguin Heritage Museum at:

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